his is the gateway to the Montefeltro. The main town, Sassofeltrio, reminds us that this village is built on a rocky, chalky promontory overlooking the middle Conca Valley and falls within the historical region of the Montefeltro; between the Middle Ages and Renaissance, these border lands saw constant skirmishes between the lords of Rimini and those of Urbino. All around is beautiful countryside with ancient features, crossed by roads that flank the “calanques”, fascinating geological formations typical of these lands, and chalk boulders that emerge from the promontories. Beautiful views open up towards San Marino, the Riviera of Romagna and the nearby valleys of the Marche. The territory spans from 200 metres asl in Fratte, renowned for its motocross track that opened in 1972, to 800 metres asl at Valle Sant’Anastasio, famed for its mineral waters. Between San Marino and the Adriatic, lies the imposing promontory of Gessite, near the town of Gesso.
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